学生成功致力于学生的学术成功,从他们的第一篇研究论文到他们的第一次工作面试. 位于图书馆的二楼, 学生成功中心为所有学生提供学术支持和职业咨询.
请全球赌博十大网站的所有学术资源, 在线需求的问题/帮助, and clarifications on advising information/timelines.
我们的建议 & Coaching Services assist and support students in selection of majors, life & 职业召唤和学业成功.
Services and resources offered to students include:
- 学术支援服务
- 专业变更咨询
- 为未决定的专业提供学术建议
- 副学士学位的学术建议
We also assist students who struggling at Midterms. 学生 meet with our academic advisors and together create a Midterm Plan of Action.
- 咨询协议 — Form to complete for approval by student’s academic advisor
- 专业变更 — Official form to be completed by student and submitted to 学生的成功. Signatures are required by current 学术顾问, student, and 学生的成功 coach. studentsuccess@beautifulproperties.net
- LA核心需求清单 -比较学生成绩单的来源,以帮助选择即将到来的学期课程
- 校园资源 — Contact information and departments for academic support, financial & 学位查询,IT援助和健康 & 学生服务.
- 当前C-N本科目录 — Full description of academic program requirements and courses
- 现行校历 — Four-year outlay of important academic dates (Add/Drop, Commencement, etc.)
- MyCN -直接链接到搜索和注册课程(需要使用单点登录的C-N登录)
ASE为根据标准化考试成绩证明需要补习基本学术技能的学生提供支持. C-N ASE项目由主任Joshua A .监督. 4. 被要求参加至少两门ASE课程的学生将由学生成功中心提供建议,直到圆满完成课程.
- Reading Skills (ASE 030*) is a 3 credit course offered in the Fall and Spring semesters. This course focuses on comprehension and 词汇表 development, 听, 做笔记, 应试和时间管理技能.
- 基本写作技巧(ASE 031*)是一门3学分的课程,在秋季和春季学期开设. This course focuses on reviews and development of grammar, 拼写, 词汇表, 和写作(论文)技巧和机制.
Math courses are designed to prepare students for 100 level college math courses.
- 中级代数(ASE 034*)是一门在秋季和春季学期开设的3学分课程. 本课程的重点是数字系统, 基本操作和属性, 方程与不等式, 二次方程, 图, 指数和根号, 比, 比例, 和变异.
- 中级代数II (ASE 070*)是在秋季和春季学期提供的2学分课程. This course provides additional skill development in college algebra. 本课程是与数学- 120st一起进行的.
A grade of at least a “C” is required to pass the ASE courses, and any failed ASE course must be repeated the next semester.
此外,这个项目的学生将被要求参加ID 120,学术策略. This two hour course is designed to reinforce study skills, time management skills, etc. ASE项目的学生必须满足大学的所有学术要求(见目录中的学术地位)。.
*Hours are not degree credit hours and cannot be used toward graduation requirements. 然而, 在大学要求时,学术技能提高学分和成绩用于确定运动资格(仅限第一年)和经济援助资格的入学状态.
全球赌博十大网站的校友随时欢迎寻求和利用职业发展办公室的服务. We highly encourage and appreciate Carson-Newman University alumni, who own a business or work for a company that is hiring, 当你需要人手的时候通知我们. We are always eager to connect C-N students and graduates with alumni!
Focus2 -在线专业 & 生涯探索 (初始接入码为 鹰)
周一至周五,上午8点.m. – 4:30 p.m.
我们的同伴辅导计划旨在帮助您理解困难的概念,并对自己的知识充满信心, 一切都在轻松的环境中进行. 我们的同伴导师是CRLA一级认证,系推荐,和你一样的学生!
同侪教导 is a drop-in service offered Monday – Thursday from 4:45 – 9 p.m. 在学生成功中心217室. 团队会议也可以安排.
- Current C-N student have access to “Brainfuse”, an Online Tutoring Service. Brainfuse可以通过Canvas访问.
- C-N图书馆提供了大量的在线资源和与我们的研究馆员实时在线聊天的服务.
- 学生成功中心是一个一站式的学术资源,以帮助学生在课堂和远程学习系统. 请参阅 学术资源-快速链接 利用这些工具和服务.
图书馆-二楼,212室 & 213
We offer free writing support to all Carson-Newman undergraduate writers, 通过写作过程的所有阶段,以及从学术论文到商业简历的各种类型. 我们提供现场,面对面,个别辅导,是量身定制的作者的目标. Our tutors are highly accomplished undergraduate students, trained by the English Department in writing center tutoring.
- 无需预约! Just come to the Writing Center during our working hours, and a tutor will help you.
- You can meet with a tutor twice a week for 30 minute sessions. That means that you can have a total of one hour during a week, but the two half-hour sessions need to be on two different days of the week.
- Bring a copy of your paper (printed or on your computer), 你的任务, 你可能有任何笔记,包括你可能想问的任何问题,以及你老师的电子邮件地址,如果你想让我们给她/他发送一份简短的会议总结. Your teacher will be notified of your appointment only if you ask ask us to do so. Otherwise, your Writing Center appointments are confidential.
- The tutor will help you improve any number of aspects of your paper, 从你的论文中, 组织, 结构和引用风格, 标点符号, 和拼写.
Dr. Damjana Mraović-O’Hare — Director of Writing Center
电话: 865-471-3546
电子邮件: dmraovic@beautifulproperties.net
学生成功是加强我们的第一代计划,以支持和庆祝我们的第一代学生, 教师, 工作人员, 和校友. 11月11日,第一代国家荣誉协会“三阿尔法”正式被授予全球赌博十大网站德尔塔-普赛分会的特许经营权, 2021. We invite our 第一代 students, 教师, and 工作人员 to consider membership.
这家商店 is open during the summer by appointment only. 呼叫 865-471-3567 或电子邮件 studentsuccess@beautifulproperties.net 安排购物日/时间.
这家商店是为全球赌博十大网站需要职业服装和/或面临食品不安全的学生提供的职业衣橱和食品储藏室. 职业衣橱, 位于贝克大厦312室, provides students access to professional and business casual attire for interviews, 实习, 还有招聘会. 食品储藏室, 位于贝克大厦310室, 为在C-N学习期间需要额外支持的学生提供不易腐烂的食品和个人护理产品. All food and clothing items provides are NO COST to all current C-N students.
捐赠食物和衣服 – We could not sustain this resource without the generosity of donors at C-N, 我们的校友, 和莱克韦社区. We will always need donations of non-perishable food items, 个人护理产品, 职业装. Those who wish to donate to 这家商店 may drop items off to the 学生的成功 Center, 位于图书馆的2楼. 从早上9点开始.m. – 4 p.m. 星期一至星期五. Feel free to call ahead (865-471-3567) 或电子邮件 (studentsuccess@beautifulproperties.net) if you would like to schedule a drive-by donation.
贡献时间和才能 – 这家商店 relies on volunteer support from students, 工作人员, and the community at large. Volunteers are needed in the Pantry and Closet to manage inventory, 处理捐赠和订单, 维护仓库空间, 并协助解决客户需求.
捐款 – 这家商店 shops periodically for necessary food and clothing items. Please consider making a financial contribution to support the needs of our students. 礼物是可以制作的 在线 (Under “Designation: Fund” dropdown, select “从橡子到橡树: Other”. 在“指定礼物名称”, type “The Store”) ; C-N 教师 and 工作人员 may commit to 这家商店 monthly giving program through the 工资扣除.
学生成功中心举办各种有趣和引人入胜的活动和事件,让学生接触到全球赌博十大网站提供的众多项目和资源. 学生, 教师, and 工作人员 look forward to our end-of-semester Late Nite Breakfast, 五天决赛, 糖果 & 招待,欢迎周的赠品,少校 & Career Resource Fair and many more events throughout the year!
跟着我们走 Instagram 了解更多信息和更新!
- 学术顾问 for all students who have not declared a major
- 同伴辅导-认证的导师可以在各种课程和科目中帮助学生
- 职业发展中心
- 为留校察看的学生提供建议
- 大学成功策略课程
- 学生体育学术支持
- 写作中心 (in conjunction with the English Department)
- Project/Research Guide (in conjunction with 图书馆 Services)
- 商店-职业衣橱 & 食品分发处
Speak with your academic advisor, return to class, and talk with the professor. 从这以后,每天一定要去上课.
You should discuss any change in your major/minor with your 学术顾问 and, 如果有必要的话, 学生成功咨询师. 如果你决定换专业, 然后,指导老师会根据你的职业目标讨论改变的适当性. 你将填写专业变更表,获得必要的签名,并返回学生成功. 一旦更改处理完毕,你将在你的新学术部门分配一个顾问.
We are located on the second floor of the Stephens-Burnett 图书馆.
请致电865-471-3567或发送电子邮件至 studentsuccess@beautifulproperties.net
不用了,有空请过来坐坐! 学生成功中心一年开放12个月,周一至周五上午8:00.m. – 4:30 p.m.